"The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman." ~ Elisabeth Elliot

Lead Me To The Cross

Lead Me To The Cross

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mistakes and God - How He uses even the big bad boo-boos.

I have an opinion. It's not very loud, but this is my blog, so I've decided to voice it. If the following offends you, please know that it was not intended to. It is my personal opinion, and I am trying not to be judgemental or speak without thinking. :)

It seems like a lot of teenagers that I meet have this incredible need to be totally perfect. Whether it's put on by themselves or by their parents, it's definitely there and it speaks loudly, especially when you get to know the person. It seems as if it's not ok to make mistakes, and when these people do make mistakes, they run from them and try to hide them, not facing the music or the consequences; and rather putting the blame off on someone else. They feel like if they simply don't address the said mistake and/or problem, it will evaporate out of thin air. But I am living proof that the lessons learned through mistakes, and the courage learned through facing them, will make you grow incredibly in your relationship with Christ. I mean, it's not like we're Jesus. It is our goal to try to be more and more like Him, but we're not going to be perfect. Most of us who attempt to be so forget to remember the Bible. Aside from Jesus, every other Bible story is filled with mistakes that the characters made, and how God taught them through those mistakes. When we try to hide our mistakes, and deny that we even made them, we refuse to listen to the lesson that God could be trying to teach us through that mistake. Just look at Jonah! When he disobeyed God, God threw him into the mouth of a giant fish. When he finally went to Ninevah, did he just walk around and pretend that he had gotten there on his own, and that he obeyed God the moment God said to go? NO! He told the Ninevites his story of running away from God. He warned them that sins are going to be judged. The result? Those Ninevites listened. God used Jonah to change their whole city. What a beautiful, precious assurance we have in Christ, that He is going to minister to us through the examples of other to show us our downfalls! I am so thankful for the many times He's taught me through my own mistakes, and ministered to me through other people's mistakes or experiences. Just recently, God used me to minister to a friend of mine who was going through a similar situation. I had been through a painful year that really shook my relationship with Christ. I had fallen in love, and ended up brokenhearted and betrayed. I couldn't understand why God would allow me to go through so much anticipation for an ending result of devastation. For six months, I hated God. I did not feel His presence in my life at all. I was destitute, longing for the love of man and running from the love of God. Besides, God had betrayed me, right? WRONG. Because I couldn't get past my tunnel vision and see God's greater plan, I was super depressed for six long, hard months. Those months were the darkest times of my life. But God finally used some amazing people: My mother, my "big sister" (now, she was working for us at the time, but she's technically a part of the family.), and a precious young woman from my volleyball team, to awaken me and knock me upside the head. Because I was SO consumed in my own pity, I was missing out on a GREAT relationship with Christ! God comsumed like an unquenchable fire one day, finally. Well, recently, a friend of mine contacted me and asked for help. She's going through a troubled time with a boy and is simply crushed. I am thankful that God has used me to minister to her, to tell her about my time of darkness and that God is the ONLY ONE Who will ever be truly there for her! You know what's beautiful? Today, for the first time in almost two years, I finally feel like God is totally and completely in control of my feelings. And, I couldn't be more thankful. Becauses when God is in control, when He writes the story of your life, I can promise you, it's going to be a beautiful thing. I will remember this emotion, so that during my friend's time of darkness, hopefully God will use me to bring her out more quickly, or not even let her go through one at all. See how ministering through mistakes and experiences can help? A simple "it gets better, I've been there before" can mean the world to someone if we can just humble ourselves enough to say it. To the teenage girl, pregnant out of wedlock, and considering an abortion, a simple "Don't do it, it's not worth it and you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Trust me, I've been there." Can SAVE a life. To the mommy losing her first baby, "I promise you'll see him again someday. I've been there before. It hurts, and the pain doesn't go away, but it dulls. Treasure the time you have.". To the teenage girl about to give away her purity, "I promise you, it is so not worth the hype. Save yourself for your husband. I regret every day the decision that I made.". I know that it's embaressing to admit that we made these mistakes, but the lessons we've learned through these mistakes can save someone from making the same mistake. Don't you think it was embaressing for all the Biblical characters to write about the mistakes that they made? Yes, probably. But look at how many lives that they've affected positively as a result. God uses everyone, and He can use your worst, most embaressing mistake, to His glory.

You just have to let Him.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

soooo :)

My word has it been a long time or what? Well, I've really grabbed life by the horns this past year. Grown soooo much in Christ, gained some weight (not good!), and expanded my education. My brother just graduated. Yay? No, super depressing... but that's for another post. Let's just leave it at: he moved out on Sunday and I'm so sad and miss him so much, I can't even tell you.

Other than that depressing fact, life has been good! Full of learning experiences that I'm so thankful for, mistakes I'm glad I didn't make, and mistakes that I'm thankful I was taught through. I cannot even tell y'all how good my God is. :)

Hit me up sometime - dancing4mySavior@gmail.com

I look forward to hearing from y'all soon!

Much love,
Chrissy :)